At times, your senior care franchise needs an infusion of new clients. You may be a new home care franchisee just trying to get some regular clients, or maybe you are an existing owner who was doing pretty well until the COVID-19 pandemic hit. It is overwhelming how this terrible disease has affected almost everyone in some way, and the medical industry is no exception. However, this might be an opportunity to get out there and let people know that you will come to them; masks on, of course. A Better Solution in Home Care can help you with these 5 ideas that may bring some new business to you.
Run a report to evaluate who referred your current or previous clients to you. Is there one office that has sent literally everyone? Get a stack of brochures and business cards and go introduce yourself to every other office in town, except the pediatricians. If it looks like you are getting a rather wide range of physician referrals, then you are on the right path. If there is any little holiday or some kind of excuse to deliver a little fruit or candy or something with a thank you card with it, do that.
Some senior home care providers don’t think it’s necessary to have a well-developed, truly informative website, Facebook page, or other social media site. Today’s seniors are looking for answers to their questions, and it is certainly to your advantage if you are the one that provides it for them. Their children may live out of town and have to get information online. Your website doesn’t have to be anything major but should provide information about your services, how much you care about your clients, and your success rate. Nice quotes from clients always look good, too.
Some offices implement a referral program for their clients. They give clients a card when they come in and if the client gives it to someone to bring in, each will get something, such as 10% off a visit or one free transport. These perks benefit the client but will not cost you a great deal.
Many people think that the Chamber of Commerce is only for large businesses, but this is far from the truth. Many members are small business owners, employers, and entrepreneurs. Numerous members are retired and following their dream career. This membership will provide you with opportunities to get to know many important people in your area. Join the committees, attend the functions, and help out at the events. If this is not your personality, send your spouse, admin assistant, or a supervisor. Making friends here can bring you business.
Find people who need your help, such as church groups, senior centers, neighborhood improvement groups, or Habitat for Humanity. Look for any group that allows you to show your community that you want to be there with them. While you are working, you can talk about your senior care franchise and the services that you provide. Talk about your exceptional staff and how proud you are of them. Just be sure you ask them about other businesses, too.
Hopefully, something here will help you gain new clients and get your home care franchise growing. Senior care is a growing industry. With hard work, you will soon be an integral part of your community providing a much-needed service in senior home care.